Datos personales

Mi foto
I am a secondary teacher of English in Southern Spain. I studied MFL in Jaén and I got a DPSI certificate in Law in England. I started my teaching career in Newcastle back in 2000, where I lived for 3 years. Once I returned home, I taught in a public school and got ready to sit the "oposiciones" exam, which I passed!!! Currently, I am teaching in Spain, which has become my definite residence in since 2004.

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2022

Missisabelonline Youtube Channel: The Thrill Glasses Series

Este canal de YouTube, que está en progreso, inició una playlist tras la pandemia para alumnado de secundaria con dificultades, pero interesado en aprender los aspectos importantes del inglés. Las explicaciones, cortas y básicas, son en castellano y con muchos ejemplos. Se intenta (y espero se consiga) un tono humorístico con la metáfora de las gafas de la ilusión. Estas gafas ficticias son imprescindibles para el  trabajo que requiere aprender el idioma. 
El inglés no es difícil, el inglés no se te da mal. Simplemente, y alguien te lo tenía que decir, no estudias lo suficiente. Espero poder ayudarte en esta noble gesta con la playlist de las Gafas de la Ilusión "The Thrill Glasses" 
¡Póntelas y a aprender se ha dicho! Bring it on, Isabel!!!!

The Irregular Verb Project

If you are trying to learn one of the most feared grammar aspects: Irregular verbs! and don't know how, TRY THE FOLLOWING METHOD. It is both easy and effective. Let's do it!

We are resolved to stand up for a meaningful learning of these troublesome friends. Therefore, we will analyse them, classify them depending on their form and group them in colours for a better understanding and memorization.
a) Pair work: After a first analysis of the verbs' list, write down the different groups you and your partner are able to spot.
b) Group work: Whole class discussion to reach a consensus and stablish a set number of groups.
Students try to classify all the verbs from their list using the grouping suggested. We will see how effective or defective our proposals are.
a) Group work: After adjusting any deficiencies, the class will list irregular verbs into separate pieces of paper according to verb behaviour and will assign one given colour to each group.***
b) Individual work: Students will highlight each verb on their workbook list using the chosen colour.
***(The students' proposals were:
-Vowel Change
-Same form for the three verbs
-Same base but different past and past participle
-Different base but same past and past participle
-All three forms are different)
a) Each student will design a customised Irregular Verb Booklet to revise and consult the content in the future.

For quicker lesson plannings, you can present this lesson via similar content-based pins from Pinterest or espressoenglish ;)

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2022

Revising Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers

Bingo Game (Cardinal Numbers) Say the Dates! (Ordinal Numbers)
Festive Calendar de Isabel María Quesada Gómez

sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2022

Basic Links to ESO1 and ESO2

Some of the contents we have seen so far this year include:


Please, click here and do the test: LEVEL TEST

English SUFFIXES: Mastering Word Formation.

As you know, mastering prefixes is a superb improvement in expanding your vocab. However, suffixes are no less useful. They must be your next aim. They will help you form new words of the same family you already know! So they are pretty handy in the use of English. For an extended explanation, click HERE, and for quick practice test CLIK HERE
ENGLISH SUFFIXES de Isabel María Quesada Gómez

English PREFIXES. Become a pro!

Do you need some information and practice? Here you are the ultimate post about PREFIXES.
Check out the presentation.

English prefixes de Isabel María Quesada Gómez. Now, you can do a QUICK TEST to check understanding.
For a more detailed explanation of the prefixes, You can click on this ESL web link.

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2022

Fridays for Future

Tomorrow, Fridays for Future strikes start again and we will analyse this video with Greta Thunberg explaining how everything began and how it has evolved. (Transcript to the Video).

martes, 20 de septiembre de 2022


We keep on revising basic concepts before our entry level test.
BLOG TENSE INFO de Isabel María Quesada Gómez

sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2022


Learning English by Missisabelonline. de Isabel María Quesada Gómez
English Pronunciation. An introduction. de Isabel María Quesada Gómez

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2022

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2022


The end of a SAGA. Hope these videos are helping :)

martes, 31 de mayo de 2022


viernes, 29 de abril de 2022



martes, 19 de abril de 2022

"TOP TEN THINGS" PROJECT (Remedial Lesson)

We are going to start a brand new Project to promote the School's Area in a MP4 format. Students will have to create a Promo Video focusing on:
  • local delis and drinks that visitors can enjoy in the area.
  • Top places or activities that cannot to be missed  by visitors.
Students will use their creativity to include both an appropriate intro and end to this video, so that different skills can be evaluated. They can target travellers on a budget, rural tourists, Heritage and History lovers...There is no limit to their possibilities.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2022


We are getting ready to celebrate not only BOOK DAY, but also BOOK WEEK. Check out our scheduled activities and participate!!!
BOOK DAY 2022 de Isabel María Quesada Gómez

martes, 29 de marzo de 2022

As easy as Pie

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2022

MODAL VERBS presentation


You can access Missisabelonline's PDF clicking here

¿Echas de menos "THE THRILL GLASSES"?
Te puedes dejar ayudar por Amigos Ingleses en esta ocasión, que son de fiar ;) Aparte de su vídeo explicativo con ejercicios, mira la teoría en Español para que tengas unos apuntes estupendos. 

MODAL VERBS VIDEO LESSON using the Flipped Classroom.

Hello class!
Before we see all the grammar juice in class, you can do your part by checking out this lesson on your own and at your own pace. REMEMBER TO JOT DOWN QUESTIONS FOR ME ;)

The first video you will have to watch is the presentation of MODAL VERBS: What are they and how they are used in sentences. Pay special attention;
As you have already seen in the video and just like you studied last year, modal verbs can express different meanings. Even the same modal verb can mean differen things! I will post now a very short video lessons to illustrate that:
Modal Verbs can be used in their PERFECT FORM, which includes the following structure: 
S + MODAL + HAVE + V3 (past participle) + COMPLEMENTS. This funny guy will explain much better than me :D

Finally, to help you aout with a different point of view, I will post a presentation where modals are grouped by their meaning. Right after, you will find links to practice all the grammar you have been studying.

Click here to practice modal verbs in different groups + tutorial.
Click here to learn about modal verbs + exercises in Spanish.
Click here to practise all modal verbs mixed up in sentences
MODAL VERBS TEST1 for further practice (English Grammar Course)
MODAL VERBS TEST2 to check your progress :)

martes, 1 de marzo de 2022

Relative Clauses for Bachillerato

Relative clauses are extremely useful in our everyday English. You must learn, first of all, the different relative pronouns. Once you master them, use them in relative clauses. VIDEO LESSON in Spanish with the help of the Thrill Glasses  PRESENTATION with the main ideas.

Relative pronouns and Clauses by Missisabelonline de Isabel María Quesada Gómez

Some practice will be more than necessary. Here you are some and graded in difficulty :D
PERFECT ENGLISH caters for ordinary sentence construction practice.
OM EXERCISE includes definitions with relatives and sentence formation.
EGO4U includes explanation in English and activities.
AGENDAWEB offers assorted pratice including tests.
Explicación básica en español.

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2022

The 60's Project (Remedial Lessons)

Fantastic, thrilling and fun-filled project about the decade of the 60's. Using this graded Info available here, students will have a wide range of choices to share with the school everything they have learnt about the fashion, music and history of this amazing decade. 
• “I LISTEN TO YOUR IDEA PROJECT": Tell me what you and your group want to work on. 
• "WALL WORK PROJECT": Display work with the content information you have read about (fashion, music and history). You can use drawings, pictures and captions of key ideas and moments of the decade.
• "MUSIC PROJECT":You are a band from the 60’s and have just launched a new album. Choose two activities from the list to promote your band. 
  1. Make an album Cover and a photoshoot of the band.
  2. Invent a magazine article presenting all the band members (names, biographies) 
  3. Interview the band and record it (live).
  4. Record a song in English. 
  5. Design a poster advertising a gig and write fan’s reviews of the previous gig on "GigAdvisor". 

Imaginary Land Project (Remedial Lessons)

viernes, 18 de febrero de 2022

WANTED: Invasive Species

In collaboration with our school's "Proyecto Aldea", ESO3 students have designed a "WANTED" poster with some curious information about Invasive Species. Very interesting posters already hanging from the wall.
invasive species de Isabel María Quesada Gómez

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2022


Conditionals in ESO de Isabel María Quesada Gómez

lunes, 31 de enero de 2022

Love Day Activities 2022

As usual, we inclusively celebrate not only romantic love, but also love to our colleagues, friends and (even!) teachers. Writing Contest under 3 categories:
Writing for pleasure to share our feelings with beloved ones (no contest format) ONLY FOR ESO4 and BACHILLERATO students.

miércoles, 26 de enero de 2022

THE CAUSATIVE: Become a Passive Pro

The Passive Voice: Theory and Practice

Here you are some practice about the passive:
Active to Passive Transformations 1
Active to Passive Transformations 2
Present Simple Passive
Past simple passive
All tenses
Transformacions with 1 and 2 Objects


If you are not familiar with THE PASSIVE VOICE, this is your video.

sábado, 1 de enero de 2022

Happy 2022