Datos personales

Mi foto
I am a secondary teacher of English in Southern Spain. I studied MFL in Jaén and I got a DPSI certificate in Law in England. I started my teaching career in Newcastle back in 2000, where I lived for 3 years. Once I returned home, I taught in a public school and got ready to sit the "oposiciones" exam, which I passed!!! Currently, I am teaching in Spain, which has become my definite residence in since 2004.

martes, 11 de febrero de 2025

Happy Valentine's Day (LOVE DAY)

Sending Love de Isabel María Quesada Gómez

lunes, 3 de febrero de 2025

Relative Clauses A-LEVEL

Relative clauses are extremely useful in our everyday English. You must learn, first of all, the different relative pronouns. Once you master them, use them in relative clauses. VIDEO LESSON in Spanish with the help of the Thrill Glasses  PRESENTATION with the main ideas.
Some practice will be more than necessary. Here you are some and graded in difficulty :D Here you are some and graded in difficulty :D
BBC ENGLISH WEB to watch a video and do some practice with key.
PERFECT ENGLISH caters for ordinary sentence construction practice.
OM EXERCISE includes definitions with relatives and sentence formation.
EGO4U includes explanation in English and activities.
AGENDAWEB offers assorted pratice including tests.

Explicación básica en español.