I am a secondary teacher of English in Southern Spain. I studied MFL in Jaén and I got a DPSI certificate in Law in England. I started my teaching career in Newcastle back in 2000, where I lived for 3 years. Once I returned home, I taught in a public school and got ready to sit the "oposiciones" exam, which I passed!!! Currently, I am teaching in Spain, which has become my definite residence in since 2004.
My AS students are working really hard this year in an Ambassadors School Programme. Apart from an intense monthly work with the assigned activity booklet, we are preparing many activities for EUROPE DAY! Here are the next projects we will devote our efforts to:
LOVE, HATE & HOPE VIDEO PROJECT: Esta actividad requiere una grabación con el móvil breve (son opiniones cortas y al grano) en la que se exponen opiniones que responden a las siguientes preguntas ¿Qué te gusta, qué no te gusta y qué esperas de Europa (becas, trabajo, viajar sin pasaporte, cobertura sanitaria sin problemas). Se puede grabar a gente del instituto, amigos, familiares, en español, inglés, francés…y debe quedar muy clara la opinión de cada persona al manifestar si lo que comenta le gusta, no le gusta o es lo que espera “I love….” “I hate….”, “I hope….”
MY EUROPE PROJECT: Exposición con maletas o cajas de cartón “My Europe” ¿Con qué bagaje viajo yo culturalmente o sentimentalmente cuando voy a otro país? ¿Qué habéis echado de menos de España y qué os habéis traído de vuestro viaje de estudios a Italia o de vuestro viaje a Londres? Viajar os ha cambiado y ahora vuestra "maleta" es diferente...Echad en ella lo que sois y dejadnos mirar qué contiene su interior.
1) El título: eligiendo la opción que deseas: entrante, plato principal o postre.
2) El cuadro: completa los datos que se piden y ajusta la dificultad con la imagen de "Ratatouille". Una cuchara equivale a dificultad baja, dos cucharas dificultad media y tres cucharas dificultad alta.
3) El contenido principal: "Ingredientes" y "Preparación"
4) Adorna la receta con una bonita foto que muestre el plato a los/as lectores/as.
El recetario será presentado a la comunidad educativa el próximo 9 de Mayo: DÍA DE EUROPA
This project has been designed using some activities (texts, listenings and use of English practice) from the ESO 3 English World textbook by Burlington Books.
By clicking on the link, you can download the Project's Worksheet .
After studying in class the Apartheid in South Africa, students are invited to learn more on the subject through the life of Nelson Mandela, the first black president. His active role in order to get over with an unfair racist system made him win the Nobel Prize in 1993 as well as spend many years in prison...He left us in 2013 and will always be remembered for the good man he was.
Relative clauses are extremely useful in our everyday English. You must learn, first of all, the different relative pronouns. Once you master them, use them in relative clauses.
Video lesson about Relative Pronouns
Defining (specifying) vs Non-defining (non-specifying) sentences.
Video lesson for Advanced Learners
Some practice will be more than necessary. Here you are some and graded in difficulty :D PERFECT ENGLISH caters for ordinary sentence construction practice. OM EXERCISE includes definitions with relatives and sentence formation. EGO4U includes explanation in English and activities. AGENDAWEB offers assorted pratice including tests.
Explicación básica en español.